Ore Otegbade
1 min readDec 3, 2018


Reaction to Mental Health movie, “The Released”

The movie follows 6 mentally ill men after they are released from prison. It informs us of the processes through which mentally ill individuals are incarcerated and released into the world. Following the release of these men, viewers are let into the problematic revolving door of mentally ill patients into prison. All the men we watch return to serve additional prison time for one crime or the other.

I was surprised to find that there is a mental health court. I wondered, why do the authorities wait for the escalation of crimes before they refer individuals to the mental health court for trial? I would have thought that individuals that are diagnosed with mental health disorders and are taking medication would be tried by mental health courts and put in mental institutions instead of prison.

The conclusion drawn from this movie is that putting the mentally ill in prison isn’t the answer. They need constant care and supervision which prison doesn’t offer. I believe the country can save money by revitalizing mental health hospitals and care facilities because this would reduce the recidivism of the mentally ill in prisons. We should have more facilities like Bridgeview mental health residence which aids the adjustment of the individual to society. This reduces the likelihood of repeat offenders.



Ore Otegbade

Eclectic writings by Sociology and Education student • UofToronto "Emerging Leader Award" • Fashionista • #Learn.. #Experience..#Impact ❤